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edited video 


As of September 2022 Esar Met is still in prison / Below is a list of all the audio files used on the website so far

All clips below are open source, non copyrighted, anybody who does podcasts, or anything like that, is more than welcome to use the clips, regardless whether they support the defense or the prosecution.

New clips that have not been added to the website yet, along with the full audio and video of the 'confession' interview, are also here.

Clips with three asterisks *** are more relevant.


Full clip, judge, prosecutor and defense creating "on the record" cover for their devious plan to keep the false confession hidden. 


More awkward ethnic clips 

The brother and father of the victim rode their bikes to their jobs at Deseret Industries, but what about the roommates?

In this clip one of the roommates is asked about his bike downstairs. If he said that he rode his bike to work, then it would mean he saw the blood and probably the body downstairs. He is not the actual killer but he wants to protect the killer and slowly draws himself in.

The following two clips are among the dozens of moments when the roommates try to downplay ethnic tensions. 


An awkward moment at the preliminary hearing 

There were five blood samples tested for DNA at the crime scene. Four of them contained two peoples' DNA.

The prosecutor wanted to paint that second person as Esar Met, but in fact his DNA was not in any of the samples.

In that audio he inadvertently makes the evidence technician say that the only person's DNA he had tested, aside from the victim, was Esar Met.

He had not even been given the roommates' DNA to test.

At the trial this was a big problem, and it was solved by "changing reporting standards" so that the prosecutor could suggest that Esar Met's DNA was "not excluded" when in fact it was. There was zero chance that any of the four samples contained Esar Met's DNA.

Here is the exact same sample "Q2" at trial, except now Esar Met is not excluded and the jury is left to wonder if it might be Esar Met's DNA even though the actual test proved there was no chance the minor profile DNA came from him. 



Byington full testimony at trial Inconsistent with his supplemental narrative re Aurora. 


Betel nut spit as an explanation for roommate's DNA in victim's blood 

There were two peoples' DNA in four out of the five victim blood samples tested.

In that sample the roommate's DNA was explained as having been previously deposited on the wall when he spit betel nut juice.


Prosecutor asking evidence tech about blood inside Esar Met's shoes, ~5 minutes 

Note that a) he often walks barefoot, b) a number of things give false positives to BlueStar, including many foods and chemicals, c) no blood was visible, d) this is the same evidence tech who found all of the other evidence which is dubious.


Long Medical Examiner clips, just under 5 hours total

Most of the audio on this page are short clips, but these are very long clips and should be skipped unless you have a lot of patience.

The Medical Examiner's testimony will be discussed at length eventually. It is notable not just for his clear pro prosecution slant, but also for how he presents some facts in a misleading way and also for information he leaves out.

a) The body had been kicked two times and both he and the prosecutor go out of their way to avoid mentioning that awkward fact. The only open injuries were on the head.

b) He did an exhaustive dissection of the body, including removing all the internal organs and dissecting some of them, removing the skin from parts of the body, etc. But mysteriously he makes no mention of the contents of the digestive tract. If he had pointed out that the digestive tract was empty it would have meant she was alive long after Esar Met left since testimony was given by a family member about her snacking shortly before she left.

c) During the testimony in 2012 with judge Barrett, the prosecutor asks if the time of death is consistent with her dying in the afternoon she disappeared. It clearly is not, and the question is meant to deceive not to get information. This exchange shows the deceptiveness of the prosecutor and judge as well as the medical examiner's willingness to play along.

d) The house was occupied by Asians used to hot weather, and there was a thermostat which they could use to set the temperature. After the body was discovered on April 2 the door was left open for extended periods and cold night air flowed down to the basement making it cooler. This is an important fact when looking at both the rigor timeline and the water in the shower stall. As cold air flows inside it lowers the humidity, but the shower stall was still wet at 5am.

Additionally, there are obvious medical issues with some of his testimony that even a non medical person can spot. There are probably bigger problems a trained eye would see.

Preliminary hearing 2012 
Preliminary hearing 2012 
Medical Examiner's assistant at trial 
Medical Examiner at trial 
Medical Examiner at trial 
Medical Examiner at trial 


An incredible example of how crooked all of the sides in Salt Lake City are. Defense, judge and prosecutions working together against a person who they have plenty of evidence is not the killer.

Detective Sutera, full testimony in closed court January 10, 2014. 

This long 42 minute + clip shows the almost unbelievable deviousness of all of the sides in this case, and how the defense, judge and prosecution worked together with the police to make sure exonerating evidence was hidden including the so called 'confession'.

Esar Met had been unpredictable, once shouting that he was not guilty when he was supposed to plead guilty.

The defense knew that if the confession interview were public it would show that Esar Met did not know anything about the murder, and that his confession was coerced.

Because of his unpredictability, and the chance he would demand to speak to the jury, the defense and prosecution worked with the judge to deal with that possibility.

If he were to testify the jury would only hear a highly edited version of his 'confession' without hearing any of the exonerating information.

Here is what they would not see 

And here are two translations including the Burmese conversation which the jury would not be allowed to see. 


Here is the private mistrial discussion held while the jury was excused. 

The spot was confused with betel nut juice, as per the evidence technician, which means it was of a distinctly red color. In other words it was less than about 10 or 15 hours old. Several other witnesses gave testimony that also implied the blood was much fresher than 30+ hours old.

There's an even bigger problem with that spot though.

When the roommates were being questioned they had various contradictory stories. One of the roommates said that he thought maybe they were being questioned because there were betel nut stains upstairs that were the same color as blood. This was before the interviewers told him the girl was dead and the body had been found.


There were some pretty big mistakes made during the investigation, but the most significant, by far, involved some errors in judgment by senior FBI agents.

One of these 'errors in judgment' involved a parallel investigation that FBI agents were running without collaborating with local authorities. Ultimately this led to the delay in finding Hser Ner Moo, and could be called 'the mistake that cost her life', but that will be dealt with separately. First here is a clip of an FBI agent starting to testify. The FBI sent a lawyer from the Federal Prosecutor's office to make sure there is no hint of anything that might point to the parallel work the FBI was mistakenly doing.

This clip begins at November 15, 2012, 9 13 am. 

It is not directly on that audio, but as the audio ends the FBI counsel is ending the audio, and once the audio is shut off the court is adjourned and the FBI counsel meets with the judge or prosecutor privately. This can be inferred from a series of 5 audio clips under 2 minutes that were recorded as people in the courtroom were waiting for the hearing to resume.

About 15 minutes later the testimony resumes. 

There were a lot of mistakes made by a lot of people during the search, and later during the investigation. Falsified evidence, perjury, pressuring witnesses, and worse.

But by far the biggest mistakes beyond simple misconduct involved the FBI.

The fascinating thing about those clips is that they show that although James Lamadrid maybe intelligent, he has no clue as to the devious machinations of his supervisors. He is basically a 'useful idiot' from their perspective, a competent but 'simple' employee who can be used to present a 'sincere face' when the FBI deals with the public. Elsewhere on the website this is referred to as a 'mafia storefront' operation, a 'friendly, sincere persona' used by more clever people, in this case senior FBI personnel, to cover their mistakes.

Also worth adding that they forgot to turn off the microphones while the FBI attorney was trying to prevent the FBI's misdeeds from being discussed.

Here is a short clip that is about 10 minutes after Agent Lamadrid's testimony was abruptly halted, but before the session resumed.. 

The defense attorney is referencing this tv show from the 1970s. 

There's also about 15 minutes of whispering that has yet to be examined, but may shed some light undecided


Youtube videos


Initial Charging document a week after the murder has warning signs of a developing coverup 

Some background on the real killer 

The Miranda Warning Esar Met received 

Burmese language part of first 10 minutes of false confession

Burmese language part of second 10 minutes of false confession 

Burmese language part of third 10 minutes of false confession 

Last part of false confession interview 

Possibly related DNA malfeasance in Chanel Lewis case 


Aurora missing / not added to website yet 

This is the woman on the 'La Desaparecida' page.

That is Aurora's full testimony in 2012. The full testimony is not edited because she is no longer in the country. That testimony is in 2012 and she had a stable life in South Salt Lake for many years. When the judge asks Troy McComb to testify about efforts to find her, he is the only witness at the trial, on any issue, who is not put under oath. He says several things which are probably not true, including that Aurora's child did not have school records after 2008.

Aurora appears to have been deported so her testimony would not conflict with that of Detective Byington and others.

She testified that nobody asked her about Hser until the third time her apartment was searched, shortly before Hser Ner Moo was found. This is in line with common sense since she saw which way the girl was walking, and once police knew where she was headed they would get an idea where she probably is.

The detective and police officer changed when they interviewed her, as well as the time she saw Hser Ner Moo, in order to minimize scrutiny of their mistakes in the search.

Here are some of the related clips already on the website. 


Unethical prosecution / not added to website yet 

The defense, the prosecutor and the judge all agreed to hide the false confession for a reason.

The reason was that it showed that Esar Met did not know anything about the crime. He changed his story whenever the FBI agent told him he had gotten the facts wrong, but he never produced a confession that came close to describing the actual crime scene.

Suppressing the false confession allowed the prosecution to let the public continue believing he had credibly confessed when he had not.

That by itself was highly unethical, but this audio was from the presentence hearing and the prosecutor stoops lower. He knows that now the trial is over and nobody is going to see the false confession so he can pretend that the false confession shows some knowledge of the crime.

 The full confession is linked further down this page and anybody can look at the crime scene he described and compare it to the actual facts at the real crime scene.


Time of death / not added to website yet 

Heart injury / atrial tear occurred after other injuries. This is relevant to dried blood on face, head injury and blood stains and will be added eventually.


Awkward ethnic moment / Not added to other pages yet 

This clip is one of the victim's family members testifying that he rode his bike to work that day. Notice his hesitance.

The roommates stored DVDs downstairs and two of the roommates stored their bicycles in the basement. If those two roommates had said they rode their bikes to work then the game would have been up, since they would have seen the blood on the carpet which hadn't been there in the morning, and they probably would have noticed the body too.

This is the forensic tech who photographed the roommates' bikes in the basement. 

This is one of several clips that show the ethnic element which made it hard for outsiders to get information on the case. The victim and her family are Karin ethnicity, as are all four of the roommates. The prosecutor seems to have gotten a hint of his mistake, and he tried to ease into another issue he thought might be safer for him.

Timecards have not been addressed in depth so far on the website.

The roommates testimonies involving bus passes will be added eventually.


Shifting DNA / Not added to other pages yet 

DNA initially pointed strongly to one of the roommates, and the prosecutor fixed that several ways so it would seem to point to Esar Met.

That clip is a 2012 discussion of sample Q2, a bloodstain from the west wall in the basement. At the preliminary hearing it had been presented as being a mix from 'an unknown male' and Hser Ner Moo. Esar Met was excluded from being the minor profile and roommate #1 was not mentioned.

Two years later, at the trial, sample Q2 would be presented as being a mix of two people, including Hser Ner Moo, still with no mention of the roommate, but now Esar Met was not excluded. In other words the jury was led to believe it could possibly be Esar Met's DNA as the minor profile.

To hear the later testimony at trial on this same sample listen to the long Q samples audio below or the short version where the defense lawyer points out the problem which shows what was changed.

This was done piece by piece with all the crime scene blood DNA samples to shift the evidence from pointing to 'roommate #1' so that it 'did not exclude Esar Met'.

Very similar to what was done with the footprint evidence, 


Roommate Stories / Not added to other pages yet.

All four of the roommates changed details of their stories at various times, and all four were asked questions by both defense and prosecution who wanted to figure out why their stories were not consistent. Three of the four said they had some sort of medical history or trauma that might have damaged their memory. The fourth, who did not have such a claim, spent a while discussing the mental health issues of one of the other three. This clip has one of the roommates saying he may have been injured in the head some time in the past. 


Suspicious Clips / Not added to other pages yet

This is one of the roommates testifying at the preliminary hearing. The testimony by all four of the roommates were full of contradictions and oddities. This person is the brother of the roommate implicated by the actual DNA, before reporting standards were changed and other adjustments to the evidence were done by authorities.

Among other oddities, at least one of the roommates says he knew from the first day that Hser Ner Moo was missing, and at least one says he did not know she was missing even after they were arrested. 


Girlfriend / not added to Website yet

One of the big problems for the prosecution was Esar Met's girlfriend

He mentions her during the initial 'false confession' interview, and also during his presentence speech.

Because they wanted to portray the crime as having been motivated by a child rape, his having a girlfriend would raise questions, so his girlfriend was eliminated from all public statements by police, she was not interviewed at the trial, and its possible that the second press gag order involved some information about her.

Testimony was given about an apartment at SouthPark where Hser Ner Moo's same age friend lived. See mystery clip #1 below. The state's investigator initially tried to claim that Hser's friend had indicated Esar Met did something inappropriate, but the girl said that was not true.

"But Nane We, who was 10 years old at the time, testified that she and Hser would often play with Met. Though she said in court that she never saw Met take Hser into his bedroom and close his door, Travis Peterson, an investigator with the Salt Lake County District Attorney's Office, said Nane told him differently in an interview in 2008" 

That investigator for the prosecution did a lot of very crooked things to help throw the case, audio detailing and discussion of that has not been added yet.

Testimony was also given by Esar Met's friend, the brother of Hser Ner Moo's friend i.e., his younger sister, and apparently Esar Met's girlfriend i.e., his older sister, which completely contradicted the state's timeline and made it impossible for Esar Met to be the killer. He said that on the morning of the 31st Esar Met had told his mother that he was going to visit his aunt/uncle, and that it was later that Hser stopped by to see his sister. If that is true then it means Esar left before Hser went missing.

The girl herself is never directly mentioned, and it appears the defense cooperated with the prosecution and the judge at the preliminary hearing to keep her existence secret from the jury and public. More will be added later about the state's investigator, and his involvement, but here are two clips, one new and one old, both from 2012 in front of judge Barrett.

One of the clips is Esar Met's roommate, the other his friend. 

A slightly longer version of the friend's testimony in context. 

***Notice that the FBI agents testify that the roommate said Esar Met was at his cousins, but the roommate says he doesn't know anything about the cousins, but he knows Esar Met used to visit his girlfriend. That's another example of the FBI trying to sanitize the story.

Notice how smooth the FBI agents are at lying about what the roommate said i.e., "cousin's" vs "girlfriend's" house. 

This is a separate issue from the group of FBI agents being untruthful about knowing about Esar Met living downstairs when they searched. That issue is trivial in itself but is fascinating because the defense lawyer is pointing out one small lie special agent Olson told but completely unaware of a much bigger lie that same agent and at least two of his colleague told, under oath, in order to shift attention from Esar Met's girlfriend to his cousins. 

The preliminary hearing gave the parties involved a chance to identify problem witnesses, like Aurora G, and remove them. The prosecution realized it could not deport this family so they tried to minimize their testimony, and incredibly the defense lawyers cooperated with that.


Time of death / not added to website yet

Another time of death clip that excludes Esar Met

This is the medical examiner's investigator testifying that Hser Ner Moo died between 530pm on March 31 and 1130am on April 1. He examined the body at 530am on April 2. In other words she died many hours after the latest Esar Met could have possibly left. 

Esar Met said he left the apartment complex in the early morning of March 31. Esar Met's neighbor testified that Esar Met left 'in the morning' of the 31st.

Esar Met's roommate testified that he knew Esar Met was at his uncle's house, in other words the roommate had to have been told that before he left for work in the morning of the 31st since Esar Met was not home when he got back from work.

Nobody saw Esar Met at the apartment complex after the morning of the 31st.

The earliest she could have died was about an hour and a half after the first roommate returned to the apartment, which was long after Esar Met had left.

In other words only the roommates were present when she died.

The medical examiner would later correct the 'fixed lividity' timeframe which is incorrect in that testimony. Lividity is usually fixed within 8 to 12 hours, so she could have died as late as 530pm, a few hours before she was found. The rigor timeline also points to a later death when more variables are taken into account. The evidence seems to point to her having been injured for a while, then killed in a final fury of violence, then washed and posed in a way suggesting a rape motive.

There is no likely forensic scenario in which she died within several hours of Esar Met being in the apartment.

Here are some of the previous clips on this issue, repeats from the full audio list further down this page. 

Some of this testimony is from the preliminary hearing in front of Judge Barrett who is bending over backwards to help the prosecution push the time of death back. 


Mystery Clips / Not added to website yet

Mystery clips involving timecard irregularities, head injury mysteries and other issues will be added.

Mystery clip 1 / Translator / November 8, 2012 / Preliminary hearing

The state's investigator had been manipulating Hser Ner Moo's best friend, a page will be added about that eventually, but was she being manipulated by others too? The translator is the preferred translator of the prosecutor, even though his English skills are limited. He is clearly not translating everything said, and he is having side conversations with the witness which are also not translated, very much not okay for a translator in this context. The witness belongs to the same ethnic group as Esar Met, and the state's investigator, as well as police and others, have been heavy handed with this group and she is probably concerned about threats from police.

Listen to this clip carefully, and notice at 01 minute 37 seconds where she seems to say one of the roommates' names which is not translated. This witness speaks English well by now, more than three years after the murder, but is forced to deal with the court through a translator who is from a competing, prosecution friendly, ethnic group. 

She belonged to the same ethnic group as Esar Met, and a big deal had been made about the various ethnic affiliations of the translators. Both defense and prosecution, as well as the judge were trying to discreetly arrange for translators sympathetic to the prosecution to be used for Esar Met and members of his ethnic group. 

  • The roommate, whose name she seems to clearly pronounce, was also the first roommate to return to the apartment the day of the murder, and who claimed the door was locked when he arrived, and also the same roommate who had taken the photo used on the missing flyer. He took that photo on the day before she went missing.

Here is that witnesses brother, also Esar Met's friend, testifying less than an hour later, also November 8, 2012. 

In his 2012 testimony this witness said that he had two sisters living with him along with his mother. One sister was Hser Ner Moo's friend, the other was an older sister who appears to have been Esar Met's girlfriend mentioned by one of the roommates and others. In 2014 testimony the older sister suddenly is not mentioned and there are just three people in that apartment, the mother and the girl who was Hser Ner Moo's friend and this person who was Esar Met's friend. The appearance is that pressure may have been put on them to change their 2012 testimony so that there would be no mention of Esar Met's girlfriend, nor any issue of her testifying.

The next morning, Friday, the judge issued a gag order. 

Newspapers say they did not know what prompted the gag order, but in fact reporters were present at the hearing, during audio records SLCCRTW46_20121108-1040_01cdbd9d8ac89a10 and SLCCRTW46_20121108-1106_01cdbda1259a5cb0 when both defense and prosecution wanted to speak with the judge.

  • Notice that the Salt Lake Tribune deleted the interview which cast doubt on the prosecution, and it is unavailable to the public anywhere aside from hardcopy paper editions of their newspaper from that day. This was two years after a separate incident in which a translator had surprised the court by telling the media Esar Met had yelled that he was not guilty. 
  • Before the judge learned that outburst had been translated, and made public, the defense had been given more time to get a guilty plea. But once it was public the court was forced to discuss having a trial, something which did happen nearly four years after the 2010 'outburst'.

Several days later, on Tuesday, the defense, prosecution and judge realized that even though reporters did not report what was said they were aware of it, so the defense and the judge put on an elaborate charade suggesting the defense was trying to help their client and the judge was concerned about another translator being overworked. This clip, also at the bottom of this page, shows the elaborate way the defense and judge created an 'on the record' spat which would protect them from appearing to collude with the prosecutor in using prosecution friendly translators i.e., not from Esar Met's ethnic group. 

These two witnesses, brother and sister, created some timeline problems for the prosecution, among several other severe prosecution headaches, and in January 2014 at the trial, recall the prosecutor's reference to this witness

Mystery Clip 2 / Jury irregularities / January 6, 2014

Right now this is just a few relevant clips but they will be combined with other clips to show some unusual patterns, both in selecting prospective jurors, and in selecting final jurors from those prospective jurors. This issue will be investigated in the future, for now it is just mysterious.

  • Believing Esar Met was guilty was not enough by itself to exclude a juror
  • High percentage of prospective jurors say press coverage has led them to believe he is guilty
  • Statistically unusual percentage with small children
  • Statistically unusual percentage with job connections favorable to the prosecution
  • Statistically unusual percentage who are connected to criminal defense lawyers
  • One SWAT team member who was involved in arresting Esar Met
  • One family member of the principal at Hser Ner Moo's grade school
  • At least two who know Burmese translators involved in case
  • At least two members of the media who overtly supported the prosecution were prospective jurors 

These are only prospective jurors though some of the people in these clips were selected as final jurors. 

Local media in Salt Lake City do not report on irregularities in jury selection, but one 'outside' reporter who was then affiliated with the SLTrib did ask to listen to jury selection. She was the only reporter present, and was told not to report on what she heard. 

"Jury tampering" is something in the news occasionally, but "jury selection tampering" is a much rarer story because it is usually committed by officials of the court, usually prosecutors or court administrators. 

It can be shown to an extremely high level of statistical certainty that jury selection tampering did occur in this case, and the initial prospective juror pool was selected based on factors among those individuals seen as favorable to the prosecution.


Not added to website yet

One of the roommates told police in the initial interview that he did not know why they wanted to search the apartment, but that he thought it might have something to do with a drop of betel nut juice spit on the upstairs carpet which, he said, might look like blood.

Roommates of Esar Met did and said some very suspicious and unusual things while the girl was missing, as well as when the four FBI agents were in the house, and also made some contradictory statements in their testimony.

Some of the roommates told police they did not know Hser was missing, others said they did. Some said she didn't came to the house, others said she did. Here is one roommate's testimony at a preliminary hearing on Nov 7, 2012. 


Extra long clip, 46 minutes, not added to website yet. The public was told there was one sample with a mix of DNA from Hser Ner Moo and 'roommate #1', but in fact there were several. Here is the prosecutor discussing the samples with the 'DNA expert'. 

Parts of the defense cross examination are in short clips 1534 and 1535 below, here is the full defense audio of that witness, showing what appears to be a deliberate misrepresentation of the DNA evidence to shift it from pointing to 'roommate #1' to making it vaguely 'not exclude Esar Met'. 

A shorter ~10 minutes version of that clip. 

  1. Note that DNA 'expert' never tested if bluestar or kastle meyer would react to betel nut.
  2. At 29 33 with regard to q samples, defense points out flawed reasoning by prosecution but this was ignored by the jury probably because the DNA expert speaks in an authoritative tone and makes it clear he supports the prosecutor.
  3. Also, initial 2008 reports showed roommate #1 as having DNA mixed with Hser Ner Moo in 4 out of 5 samples at the crime scene. In 2013, right before the trial, this was changed to remove roommate #1 and 'not exclude' Esar Met, even though Esar Met was in fact 100% excluded from those samples.

This evidence, by itself, would normally be enough to convict roommate #1 in a normal trial if the prosecution had presented the DNA evidence accurately.


Here is a brief summary of all the evidence used by the prosecution, three clips, each ~9 minutes or less, given by the defense in closing arguments.





~ Already on other pages of website~

4) Defense lawyer / 2 minute whisper session

5) *** Aurora testifies & defense lawyer

6) 2013 Aurora testifies "After 1130am, before 1pm" creates a problem for prosecutor. Because of this testimony the prosecutor had to make sure she was not going to testify at trial.

7) 2014 Aurora disappears. Notice that the testimony given by a police officer will be directly contradicted by the testimony she gave at the preliminary hearing before she vanished. See clip205 below.

8) The judge reads a snippet from Aurora's testimony as a stipulation, away from the context of the police officer who gives conflicting testimony. The purpose is to minimize Aurora's testimony but still protect the judge and lawyers from future legal challenges.

9) Preliminary hearing. The judge makes a ridiculous judgment call in favor of the prosecution. Prosecutor and Medical Examiner carefully avoid using the word "kick". The prosecutor asks an overtly dishonest question suggesting the time of death is consistent with having occurred before Esar Met left, which it was not. The judge appears to be aware of the 'time of death' problem facing the prosecution, and he, the judge, is helping the prosecution cover that problem up.

10) Roommate, testimony by brother of real killer.

11) Crime scene tech took photos showing water on walls of shower at 130am on day 3. See clip279 below.

12) Defense lawyer points out that a lot of reporters were present and may be influencing jury.

13) FBI agent gives deceptive testimony to cover investigative work done by the FBI before arriving, and testifies untruthfully about the final search. His testimony does not mesh with the reports filed by police after the case was over. The FBI had figured out where the body was through telephone surveillance and then found the body. They tried to create cover by pretending that Mikal Wersland had started a new 'final search', but the FBI neglected to tell him and the other police to change their incident reports, and those incident reports conflict with FBI claims on several important issues.

14) *** Same FBI agent tries to sound chummy towards Mikal Wersland who was key to the FBI ruse of 'finding the body' and also creating cover for the false confession by saying blood was first found in the stairway. Notice that in the Guestbook after Wersland's death, all the people who knew him called him "Mikal" or "Mike". The FBI agent is scamming the court on this and several other things. 


15) *** Up until this hearing both defense and prosecution had been preventing anybody, including the judge, from watching the false confession. Now with a possible trial approaching they are shifting gears and trying to get the judge to officially block the 'false confession' interview. But in order to do that they have to let her watch the 'confession dvd' and read the transcript.

16) *** Roommate who got Esar Met's phone number stumbles through testimony that caused problems for the FBI. There is not really any explanation for the roommate leaving the house just before the body was found "so the police could talk to Esar". If it had been after the body was found of course he would not have been allowed out. The FBI created several different stories trying to cover this issue, and that caused problems when a defense lawyer pointed out that one or another of the FBI agents were lying about several things. Ultimately the FBI fixed part of the problem by simply eliminating some of the audio record of testimony. An FBI agent enters the audio record to testify then a bunch of audio is missing, then there is a vague conversation among a few people about what just happened.

17) Evidence tech talking about footprints walking out of bathroom

18) *** Evidence prosecutors obtained comparison footprints only from Esar Met, not from roommates. Also notice that initially there appear to have been palm prints found, image to the right, and the same technician collected his palm prints. That was one of several pieces of evidence, including the different hair samples, that were never mentioned at the trial. Note that many of the clips which are most embarrassing to the prosecution have heavy static which appears to have been added deliberately.

19) Prosecutor knows there is not enough evidence for a trial so he wants a bench trial, but he is trying to be slick about it. Clueless defense lawyer is not as skilled at scamming as the prosecutors.

20) Discussion about potential mistrial involving 'potentially exculpatory evidence' i.e., blood evidence in upstairs roommates' area. Notice that the same evidence tech who suddenly pointed out that potentially exculpatory evidence was the same tech who 'found' all the other DNA evidence, and who gave strange testimony saying he believed there was enough evidence to convict without this evidence. The appearance is that he had inappropriate prior conversations with the prosecutor, and then assisted the prosecution improperly, then began to have doubts and gave this material to the prosecutor who then mentioned it to the defense. Whispering at end.

21) *** Clever ruse that has Esar Met "waiving speedy trial" several years after his arrest. Defense and judge covering themselves from accusations of working for the prosecution. Defense and judge had previously been embarrassed when he yelled that he was not guilty and they tried to prevent the public from learning about that. The ruse is that the defense needs time for DNA testing but the truth is that the prosecution needs the time to adjust their DNA results with help from a friend at Sorenson.

At this point all sides know that the evidence points to "roommate #1" but nobody wants to admit that the FBI got a confession from somebody who was not involved. Worse for all parties involved though is the simple fact that if the FBI had done their actual job of doublechecking the local investigators, instead of trying to arrange an 'FBI hero scenario' the child would have been found before the final kicks i.e., she would have been injured but alive, and possibly not permanently injured. Much of the deception by the FBI and prosecutor revolves around hiding evidence of how long the girl was alive. The medical examiner understood and cooperated. The defense lawyer appears not to have understood or perhaps wasn't fully onboard with the deception.

22) Defense and judge have a coded conversation about how they can avoid a trial and arrange a bench trial or guilty plea. The previous attempt at having him plead guilty ended with him yelling that he was not guilty.

23) *** Judge wondering why DNA results are again delayed. Notice mention of Terry Black case. The investigator mentioned has been on the periphery of some very odd cases, and his actions in some are unusual. The Terry Black case is similar to this case, a child murder with huge gaps in the evidence and a prosecution too eager to take shortcuts. 


24) Preliminary hearing whisper session trying to address the embarrassment of a translator telling the media about Esar Met claiming to be not guilty.

25) Preliminary hearing. Up to, during, and after the interview nobody saw blood on the jacket. This technician put the jean jacket in a paper bag and did not notice any blood.

26) Detective lies about unsearched apartments. His own incident report, as well as those of other officers, contradict his testimony. The reason for the lie was that police did not want to admit that only one apartment was unsearched, which was where the body was found, and they did not want to admit their own detectives decided the apartment must be vacant even though the girl was known to go to that apartment.  

27) Same detective, lying now about the 'final search'. The FBI needed police to pretend that the discovery of the body happened during a search of all apartments, rather than the FBI going to that apartment because their surveillance of various people led them to believe the body was there. It looks like the FBI had assumed those police would create cover for the FBI fiction in the police report by changing their incident reports, but they did not, so the FBI deception is wide open to exposure.

28) Prosecutor trying to create an image in the juries minds of how the four linear microscopic blood droplets may have gotten on the back of Esar Met's jacket when there was no other blood on his jacket. This "DNA" evidence was part of the diversion away from the simple fact that "roommate #1" had his blood mixed in several places with the victim's blood. Prosecutors needed to eliminate this real DNA evidence pointing to the roommate, which they did by changing DNA reporting standards, then create new DNA evidence which could be used to implicate Esar Met.

29) Defense lawyer gets chummy with detective.

30) Again defense lawyer chumming with detective.

31) Wait.The apartment had a back sliding door which is extremely important and was never mentioned publicly. Anybody can look on Google maps and see why it was important.,-111.8775862,193m, click on satellite layer, the apartment was at the south part of the complex.

The back door leads to a common area hidden by trees where people can go from one apartment to another.

Near the body was a large trash can and some large plastic bags filled with blood suggesting the body may have been moved from one apartment to another. See image. In another clip the detective hints at suspicions towards another apartment's residents. Notice how this testimony transitions between 'front door' and 'back door'. In fact the back of the apartment was not being watched until after the body was found, and this was another embarrassment that had to be minimized.

There was a trash can near the body and some large plastic bags filled with blood, and police had been assigned to surveil a 'person of interest' in a nearby apartment.

And that area, in the back of #472 and nearby apartments was not being watched by police until after the body was found.

Notice the police report image to the right. A police officer had noticed some sandals of the type the girl was wearing at the entrance to a nearby apartment. He later got some other officers and went to that apartment to search. Inside was a locked door which the residents said they did not have a key for. They kicked the door down and the room was empty.

32) *** One of the testimonies that needed Aurora to disappear in order to be presented. Aurora presented facts that made the officers appear bumbling. That was fixed by having her disappear, probably via immigration police, so this officer could say he asked her about Hser the same evening Hser went missing. Compare this testimony to Aurora's testimony.

33) *** Defense lawyer getting annoyed with how the FBI was cleaning up their story to explain how the roommate left to get Esar Met's phone number.

34) *** Ethnic tensions. Note that "kalar" is an ethnic slur in Burmese, similar to "ni**er" in English, but the defense lawyer believes there is a kalar ethnic group, and the victim's father is trying to be polite.

35) Awkward testimony with victim's mother trying to be polite about ethnic issues. The conversation involves the mother of the victim's school friend who the victim had tried to visit the day she disappeared. Both the school girl who was Hser's friend, and her brother who was Esar's friend, also testified. One problem for the prosecution was that Esar Met had stopped by that family in the morning before Hser Ner Moo went missing, and said he was leaving to visit his aunt and uncle and others. This completely excluded Esar Met as the killer, so the prosecution removed the mother as a witness and the defense cooperated by not calling her as a witness. The boy did testify and his testimony was catastrophic for the prosecution, clip916 below, but no media reported it and the jury ignored it.

36) Evidence technician mentioning objects in bathroom.

37) *** Evidence tech "clothing was wet" and "drops of water" in shower. Devastating to prosecution. Indicates somebody washed the body long after Esar Met had left.

38) *** Non jury, non public hearing. Defense lawyer annoyed with FBI deceptions.

39) Non jury, non public hearing. Longer context, trying to clarify changing versions of FBI story in the context of roommate authority which is a red herring, and other issues, and not related to larger FBI deceptions. At 4:10 prosecutor does not want judge to view/review FBI report. Says it would be 'troubling' to have the court review the FBI report. One of the sand traps the prosecutor is trying to protect the FBI from involves the roommate who got the phone number.

40) *** Medical expert who found rape evidence. The medical examiner did not find evidence of rape so the prosecutor asked her to find that evidence which the public had already been told about.

41) Same medical expert more details.

42) *** Same medical expert. Medical examiner had not found evidence of sexual assault but she did.

43) Same expert explaining that the sexual injury was severe.



44) Preliminary hearing. FBI counsel prepares to clean up problematic events. Then FBI agent Lamadrid lies about how the final search started.

45) *** First audio after mysterious gap when FBI counsel halted testimony at preliminary hearing, and had audio record removed because of Lamadrid's testimony. As the testimony resumes Lamadrid tells a mix of truth and lies. Lamadrid and three others were told exactly what to do in the apartment where they knew the body was, but a lot of loose ends were left including the inexplicable way the roommate got the phone number where Esar Met was.

46) Esar Met's uncle says he has visited Esar at South Park and asked him to bring the bicycle repair kit, which is mentioned in the confession interview. Police want to portray Esar Met as 'fleeing', but his uncle had asked him to bring the bike repair kit. Compare to beginning of pastebin transcript. 


47) Medical examiner, cuts on finger, left forearm and wrist broken, bruise on right knee.

48) Medical examiner, no time of death.

49) *** Medical examiner, dishonest question by prosecutor approved by judge then answered deceptively by medical examiner.

50) Medical examiner, defense, time of death.

51) *** Medical examiner, defense. Despite an exhaustive autopsy the medical examiner did not get any information that might indicate time of death in any way, such as food in the digestive tract. Medical examiner did not know about asthma, did not get medical history, etc.

52) Medical examiner, prosecutor, brain swelling, impacts to head, oxygen deprivation

53) *** Lividity not affected by temp, rigor was hard at time of examination, cadaveric spasm mentioned, note body was clutching hair. Exertion, fighting will make rigor happen faster. Medical examiner will not specify a rigor window, but the times he uses decisively exclude Esar Met as the killer. The exam started around 530am April 2. Esar Met left South Park between 7am and 239pm on March 31, at least 38 hours prior.

Notice too the image of part of the police log that night. The prosecutor needed to fix the timeline as much as possible so he moved lots of things a little bit in a helpful direction. According to the police log the body was not removed until 553am so the autopsy where 'hard rigor' was observed was after 6, probably 7 or 8am.

54) Medical examiner, prosecutor, time of death. Medical examiner is trying to help the prosecution but is contradicting his own previous testimony.

55) Medical examiner, defense. Notice that the Medical Examiner had not found any evidence of sexual assault, as mentioned previously and documented in his autopsy findings. In other words he looked for that kind of evidence but did not find it. The defense lawyer alters that fact substantially, by saying that the medical examiner "had not made any findings regarding sexual assault". In other words the defense lawyer is once again trying to defend the FBI/police narrative of a sexual assault being the motive for the murder. In fact it was a staged sexual assault. The killer posed the body in order to give the appearance of sexual assault. This is discussed on other pages of this website, and is another example of the defense having more loyalty to the prosecution and law enforcement than to the truth or his client.

56) *** Medical examiner, defense. Discrepancy about whether Medical examiner went to crime scene. He says he did not, but logs kept by police indicate he did, see log image to right. Various paperwork problems, missing room temp, missing body temp, etc. Time of death questions. Time line excludes Esar Met as the killer. Medical examiner misunderstands significance of water on shower stall. Note that the apartment was warm until the body was discovered and the front door was left open. Even after having it explained the medical examiner still does not get the significance of the water droplets, and he has not thought through the temperature history as it relates to his time line.

57) Whispering about water on shower stall, medical examiner eavesdropping.

58) Preliminary hearing. DA investigator history. He has an extensive list of credentials but he was the individual who got inaccurate information from Hser Ner Moo's friend, for the prosecutor i.e., he wanted her to testify that Esar Met might have molested her or Hser Ner Moo, but she said that she had never made the statements he claimed she made. He appears to have been involved in other trickery as well on behalf of the prosecutor.

59) Same investigator, more evidence of something not quite right about that investigator and his association with the prosecutor.

60) Roommates were not handcuffed when taken to police station. The FBI knew about Esar Met before they entered the apartment and they carefully had to stage his arrest but they made many little mistakes.

61) Defense lawyer talking about problem in one FBI agent's testimony.

62) One of the less serious problems with the FBI version, in the context of who had authority over the basement, which was a red herring, completely irrelevant.

63) Defense whispering 

64) *** Previous 911 call, notice line 1062 and line 1078 at Caller was roommate #1 

65) *** November 2012 Gag order. The prosecutor, judge and defense knew there was not real evidence against Esar Met, but they needed to convict him in order to keep the false confession and other mistakes from becoming public. They carefully got him to agree to plead guilty, but once he got to the courtroom he yelled that he was not guilty and that he confessed due to threats. The judge, prosecutor and defense all tried to hide what he said from the media, but a translator told a reporter that he had yelled he was not guilty, and the judge then issued an order that translators and others were forbidden from speaking to media to prevent this kind of thing from repeating.

66) Aurora repeat of other clip.

67) Stipulation involving Aurora. Repeat of other clip.

68) Victim's shoes. This was the only piece of evidence in the entire case which makes a person wonder if he might be guilty, and could have been used as rationale to pursue a case against Esar Met since he sort of gave an accurate description of how the shoes might have gotten in that position. See lines 725 to 753 A competent interrogator would have seized on that one answer, the only thing in the entire case, and asked him things like "Did you throw them underhand or overhand" etc while trying to get at the truth. But nobody was interested in the truth.

There are some suspicious oddities in clip597 though. Notice that the prosecutor says "What else did you see?" The only time during the trial when an open ended question like that was asked to a technician about the crime scene. There are photos of what he saw, lots of photos, so the prosecutor appears to be fishing for something specific which he is already aware of. He knows that the shoes are the only thing Esar Met got right about the crime scene, and the answer by the technician sounds kind of rehearsed. This is one of several clips where the audio is distorted, and most of the clips with similarly distorted audio are similarly odd in some way.

69) Medical examiner investigator, prosecutor. At about 5:30am April 2. Body was still wet from being washed. Hair was wet. Dead up to 36 hours i.e., several hours after Esar Met left, which excludes Esar Met. Also he neglects to calculate temperature history accurately. It was only after the body was discovered that the front door was left open and cold air flowed inside.

70) Medical examiner investigator, defense. Notice "last seen alive" and compare to testimony of Aurora vs officer who talked to Aurora. Police were in a pickle and needed to move time of death back for purposes of keeping Esar Met as a suspect, but also forward for purposes of keeping him as a suspect. No way for police to do that without changing testimony away from facts.

71) Medical examiner investigator, defense, medical history omitted.

72) Medical examiner investigator, defense, no 'odor of death'.

73) Prosecutor to parent of victim, prosecutor is dishonestly manipulating jury which has been selected for their susceptibility to this kind of manipulation.

74) Defense asking tasteless and unnecessary questions, parent of victim tries to politely deflect.

75) *** Prosecutor, mentions officer Matthew Jewkes who was unavailable.

76) Prosecutor, uncle. Esar Met did not shower or wash his clothing after arriving at aunt's / uncle's house.

77) *** Swat officer Richard Deke Taylor lying under oath at preliminary hearing. That hearing gave the prosecution an opportunity to iron out obvious lies before the jury trial which would be much more public. This Swat officer is very comfortable lying under oath, but he is not too bright so many of his lies bubble up.

78) Shorter cut, of clip627.

79) Swat officer Richard Deke Taylor struggling not to lie too much. 

80) Swat officer Richard Deke Taylor pretending he was a hero.

81) Swat officer Richard Deke Taylor indicates he was working with others to tidy up his testimony, by giving information he only would have known long after the raid.

82) Defense, mother of victim went to #472 when child was missing. Not reported by media in Salt Lake City. She walked in without knocking and knew the roommates. This would have been problematic for police since they would have had to explain why they didn't get suspicious when the roommates would not respond to police.

83) *** Defense trying to pump up police image after a lot of testimony that portrayed police as bumbling incompetent idiots. The mother of the victim understands that the purpose now is to rehabilitate the image of police and she cooperates out of fear of authorities.

84) Aurora at preliminary hearing.

85) Preliminary hearing. Aurora testimony problematic for police and prosecution. Prosecution needed to get rid of this testimony.

86) Preliminary hearing, Aurora. Prosecutor will need to discredit her before jury trial. Related testimony given by Burmese witnesses later will show how prosecutors and police were intimidating the Burmese witnesses, but that as some of the Burmese lost their fear of police problems started popping up for prosecutors. Aurora testified accurately and probably should have been more fearful of police.

87) Aurora, defense. Awkward for police.

88) *** Judge wonders why DNA evidence isn't ready yet after 5 years. The judge is expert at covering herself and this is an example. Very similar to when the defense told her away from the jury that he was not going to present a case, then later when the jury was present that same judge pretended to be surprised when the defense lawyer says he isn't presenting a case.

89) Prosecutor stipulations. Timecards were an obvious problem, and the prosecution was very clever about eliminating the problem. No resistance nor research by the defense. The "two brothers" refers to the actual killer and his brother. Their testimony given right after the murder had to be adjusted a bit. The interview with the actual killer was done with his friend Win Zaw Aung interpreting and FBI agent Steven Pickens and Detective Sutera helping make sure the FBI narrative of Esar Met being the killer isn't damaged.

90) Prosecutor, medical examiner. Empty chest cavity. Completely unnecessary aspect of the autopsy. Could have been useful perhaps for time of death but when he saw there was nothing in the digestive tract he realized the prosecution had problems. Much of his testimony reflects private discussions he had with the prosecution.

91) Prosecutor asking father of victim about previous injuries.

92) Photo of brain "a number of days" after autopsy. More likely several years after the autopsy, as he was preparing the powerpoint presentation with the prosecutor.

93) Prosecutor, Detective commits minor perjury.

94) Judge, stipulation. Incredible that the defense agrees to allow this. Prevents discussion of many issues in the investigation, including any evidence the body was moved and anything involving the sliding back door, as well as other significant issues.

95) Swat officer Richard Deke Taylor lying under oath again. The Swat officers need to weave several fictions together, to combine what the media has been told in the past with the latest prosecution story. This clip is a comical mix of two elements of the Swat story, both entirely fictional.

96) *** Swat officer Richard Deke Taylor. Note palm down motion. To Burmese people that gesture means "come here". 


97) Preliminary hearing, defense agrees to chain of custody on evidence pending more information.

98) Preliminary hearing. Jean jacket. This is the first person who saw any possible blood on jean jacket. He is the same person who found all of the other significant forensic evidence used by the prosecution. He also tried to contradict his coworker who testified in the defense's favor about water in the shower. His 'four stain' testimony makes no sense in the context of the crime i.e., four linear micro stains on the back of a jacket, but no blood on the front or sleeves, so his 'expert authority' is being used to make the evidence appear relevant.

99) Preliminary, chain of custody accepted.

100) Uncle of Esar Met. The Aunt and Uncle initially were terrorized by police kicking down their door and scaring their children, so they told the police they didn't really know Esar Met and didn't know why he went there. As they learned more about the case, and were less fearful of police, they began telling the truth. Esar Met visited to bring the uncle a bicycle repair tool. The aunt and uncle had visited him a few times at his apartment and he had visited them before too.

101) The young school friend of Hser Ner Moo. The state's investigator had been trying to get her to say that Esar Met had acted inappropriately, in a way that might imply he was 'grooming' them for sexual assault. See clip421. This 'sex theme' was the core of the state's case, and the investigator was told he had to find evidence that Esar Met was 'grooming' or had molested the children. Very similar to the expert who, after no evidence of sexual assault was found, was told to find evidence of sexual assault, see clip326, clip327, and clip327. The killer had 'posed' the body in such a way as to look like a sex crime, including removing the victim's underwear. Creating a fake 'sex crime' to stir up anger at a competing ethnic group is not rare in Burma, but in the U.S. has not been a 'normal' crime for many decades. Long ago in the U.S. it was common to whip up animosity towards blacks by saying one of them had raped a white woman.

102) Esar Met's friend. Testimony is big problem for prosecution.

103)  Prosecutor is angry about testimony in clip916 which, if true, is one more proof that Esar Met was not the killer, and ruins the prosecution case.

104) Uncle of Esar Met. Notice name of 'yenoot' from transcript. Esar knew the police were coming. Media in Salt Lake City did not report this because it contradicted the police version of him 'fleeing'. Police committed perjury to defend that lie until finally admitting it was not true, but presenting a modified fiction, also perjury, to justify their previous lying.

105) Prosecutor, arrest of Esar Met. Esar Met's aunt's and uncle's house had been under FBI surveillance since before the body was found. The involvement of local police was carefully choreographed to make sure the officer's who entered were two specific officers. Other police, including this officer, were considered 'reliable', but not fully in the loop. Notice attempt to clean up conflict with clip620.


a) A strange sidenote involving clip620 and the end of clip953. There are two separate pages entered into the police report which present two different officers as being the first to respond and speak to Carrie Pender. According to his own supplemental report, Matthew Jewkes responds first, does a search of nearby apartments, coordinates with civilian searchers etc. He dies before the preliminary hearing.

b) Officer Burton also submits a report that he was the first responding officer, but his report is much more polished and he has "all available units respond", made copies of her photo, etc. It looks like his report was peppered with details to minimize criticism of the police response.

c) Detective Byington then files a supplemental report saying he was contacted at 1930, 730pm, by Jewkes who briefed him, and he then met with Sutera, and at 10pm on March 31 he claims he and Sutera spoke with Aurora who told them where she had seen the child. Her testimony at the preliminary hearing, before she disappeared, was quite different. Byington's report appears to be falsified and backdated. It is inconsistent with facts known in 2013. It was probably added between 2008 and 2012.

d) On April 1 at 8am, Byington says in his narrative that he teamed up with FBI agent Pickens. The implication is that initially FBI agents were heavily involved then when they realized that the child had been alive into the second day they backtracked, and falsified much of the timeline, so that the blame would fall on local police.


106) Mikal Wersland changed facts slightly, believing he was helping the FBI with something he didn't fully understand. He didn't understand he was being used by the FBI to help the FBI keep the FBI aspect of the case buried.

107) Defense schooling jury on geography.

108) Defense giving background.

109) Defense gives excellent 'burden of proof' summary. Completely ignored by jurors because he himself made sure that jurors selected would not understand 'burden of proof' concept.

110) Stipulation, 'denim jacket collected properly'.

111) Stipulation, 'no evidence was altered or contaminated'.

112) Footprint comedy, part 1. @6 minutes "sufficiently similar characteristics to be from same source". At this point the footprints are the strongest evidence the prosecutor has in juries eyes, after DNA.

113) Footprint comedy, part 2.

114) Footprint comedy part 3. Expert given four exemplars, all from Esar Met. Jump next to comedy part 4 at clip1517.

115) Detective who got false confession with FBI agent. Prosecutor wants to tidy up 'false confession' image without having it entered into record. There was some publicity about 'translation issues' and the prosecutor wants to ease those concerns without making the interview available for scrutiny.

116) Detective, defense. Esar Met was in holding cell 7 or 8 hours. The FBI appears to have arranged for the same interpreter to be in the interviews of both the real killer, and Esar Met. The interpreter had unusual knowledge of the crime which raises questions. The defense lawyer is trying to shift responsibility from the FBI to local police even though the FBI appears to have deliberately skewed the two interviews. No FBI agents were questioned at trial on this issue despite their apparently being more responsible. The FBI agent who was responsible for the false confession itself never appeared at the trial. During this clip it is mentioned that the translator was a friend of the victim's family, but he was also a friend of the real killer, as evidenced on the transcript lines 1176 to 1178 

117) Detective, prosecutor. There is no question that the investigation was steered away from the roommates and toward Esar Met at the direction of the FBI. This clip and others try to shift responsibility to local police. At 3 minutes the prosecutor tries to validate the confession without presenting the overwhelming evidence that the confession was false. Extremely dishonest prosecutor.

118) Defense, detective.

119) Prosecutor, detective. Discussion of deception used in validating the 'confession' while keeping it hidden from scrutiny. Defense and prosecution are cooperating fully against Esar Met. The defense provides elaborate cover for the incredibly dishonest prosecutor. There is literally no difference between the defense and prosecution and judge, all are carefully trying to force a conviction.

120) Talk about interpreters.

121) Prosecutor, uncle. Prosecutor is upset that the uncle is no longer afraid to tell the truth. Aunt and uncle were initially terrorized at their house and told police what the police wanted them to say. As time passed they told the truth.

122) Prosecutor, aunt. They were waiting for police to knock but then the police suddenly broke down the door to create a fiction about a 'dangerous fleeing fugitive' fiction for media. She was holding several week old child when police broke door down.

123) Prosecutor, uncle. Prosecutor again uncomfortable with changing stories now that Burmese witnesses are not as afraid.

124) Medical examiner, prosecutor. Background, investigator role etc. He is a member of child death investigation group.

125) Prosecutor, aunt. Aunt gets annoyed at prosecutor's sleaziness.

126) Defense, aunt. Esar had been to their house three times.

127) Defense, aunt.

128) Second phone call. Esar gave phone to aunt to give address for police to come. Went back to eating dinner. Police then broke down door.

129) Esar Met statement after conviction, before sentencing. Gives some information defense and prosecution were trying to hide.

130) Judge pretends that she has no idea that he is not guilty.

131) Esar Met snippet.

132) Trial shortened due to "high level of cooperation" between defense and prosecution.

133) Roommate, i.e., brother of real killer, prosecutor. Defense had pointed out some contradictions in roommate story, now prosecutor tries to clean that up for the jury. Some of the roommates said they did not know the girl was missing even though there were searchers all over, and missing posters. At least one roommate was cornered into admitting he did know the girl was missing. The roommates were all evicted from Southpark after the murder.

134) Real killer admits he knew police were looking for the child.

135) Defense points out prosecutorial sleaziness.

136) Prosecutor responds sleazily. Prosecutor had been trying to mislead the jury by making comments suggestive of things that were not true. Interestingly, he draws the defense into defending a supposed 'personal attack' which was not the real issue. Prosecutor is sleazy, but very smart, and the judge ignores the reality and decides in favor of the prosecutor. The other defense lawyer then further muddies the issue by pushing procedural things which are not relevant.

137) Prosecutor. Does roommate have memory problems? Earthquake may have damaged his memory.

138) Roommate awkwardness involving search.

139) Prosecutor, roommate.

140) Whisper

141) Judge has now watched interview and read transcript and understands one of the reasons the interview has to be hidden, but she also knows there is a slight chance it could be used at trial. She is saying that if it is used nobody can talk about anything in the interview except what the defense and prosecutor address directly. She knows that the defense will not do anything to portray the FBI and police negatively so she is not worried at that point.

142) Footprint comedy part 4. The footprint had been 'consistent' with Esar Met until it was noticed that the only person's feet he compared the evidence with was Esar Met. Court was recessed and an evidence technician took samples from the roommates, and this clip is after that. At this point footprints could have come from "any average person" bigger than a child and smaller than a professional basketball player.

143) Short version ~4 minutes

144) Prosecutor, Evidence tech, DNA, tshirt had blood on inside. Prosecutor tries to imply the tshirt had evidentiary value but it did not, as the defense would point out. Initially he excluded Hser Ner Moo's blood as being present, but later did not exclude her. He is aware that defense will uncover that deception so he carefully words his statement despite what the prosecutor wants.

145) Defense, Evidence tech, DNA, tshirt. Note that Hser Ner Moo was excluded decisively. There were alleles in the second profile that did not match Hser Ner Moo nor Esar Met. In other words there was zero chance the second profile was Hser Ner Moo. The 'revised standard' did not apply to this scenario. It was improperly used in order to give the appearance that it could have been Hser Ner Moo's blood. The defense lawyer is being polite but the technician is being deliberately deceptive. The technician speaks confidently and authoritatively, but the substance of what he is saying is extremely dishonest. This is the same tech who found blood on the jacket and fixed other DNA evidence for the prosecution.

146) Prosecutor, same evidence tech. Another witness gave evidence about water in the shower stall which favored the defense. This witness has been very willing to help the prosecutor so the prosecutor uses him to 'eliminate' the problematic water on the walls of the shower stall. He is contradicting several more reliable witnesses, in order to help the prosecutor.

147) Defense, same evidence tech.

148) Ex82, Q2. Defense, same evidence tech. Blood spatter on wall. This testimony involving another sample of Hser Ner Moo's blood mixed with that of roommate #1. Was not reported accurately by media, as a favor to prosecution. First report excluded Esar Met and pointed to roommate#1 as being DNA contributor. Second report did not exclude Esar Met and did not mention roommate #1.

149) Ex47, Q12. Blood on west wall. Defense, same evidence tech. Esar Met excluded, mix of two contributors. Consistent with mixed blood from Hser Ner Moo and roommate#1.

150) Ex 145 & 146. Defense, same evidence tech. Blood on upstairs level not made public until this point. It's possible the technician felt guilty about assistance he had given to the prosecutor, and compensated by giving this information to the prosecutor near the end of the trial, who then was obligated to give it to the defense. Raised the possibility of a mistrial which was then denied. Because the blood spot was identifiable as blood, and was confused with betel nut juice, it indicates the bloodstain was very fresh i.e., still reddish. Note final comment by technician about evidence on the jacket, which he found after nobody else saw blood on the jacket.

151) Prosecutor, same evidence tech. Prosecutor trying to clean up inconsistent blood evidence.

152) Scratches, redness etc on Esar Met. 40 minute clip. Prosecutor, registered nurse. Collected evidence from Esar Met and photographed skin. Notice millimeter references e.g. @33 minutes and @36 minutes. She wants to help the prosecution but is a bit skeptical.

153) Defense, registered nurse. Esar Met had obvious skin conditions visible on video, scratched himself on video, was dragged by police when arrested etc.

154) Prosecutor, registered nurse. Esar Met did not have psoriasis.

155) Defense, registered nurse. There are many skin conditions other than psoriasis. Whisper.

156) Prosecutor, evidence tech, fingernail DNA. Final probability @ 5 minutes 15 seconds. One chance in 1142 that it is not his DNA.

157) Prosecutor, same evidence tech. The first DNA report done said that there was no DNA found on the 'rape kit' DNA test. This conflicted with the prosecution narrative right after the crime, so the report was changed to indicate that there was DNA but not enough quality or quantity to test. The public was never told about this. This subject is developed further in other clips. The prosecutor knows that there was zero DNA found on the 'rape kit', but he wants the jury to imagine that there may have been some. More info 

158) Defense, same evidence tech. Refers to the actual 'rape kit' swab result.

159) Judge rereads all stipulations.

160) Defense tells judge no defense case will be prevented. Judge covers herself carefully with regard to Esar Met not testifying.

161) Several minutes after clip1633, jury is now present and the judge pretends to be surprised that the defense will not present a case. She and all the others are very careful about protecting themselves, not so much about protecting people like Esar Met.

162) Prosecutor lies to jury about simple facts three times in 28 seconds. Items detailed on Hidden evidence page.

163) Defense responds to one of the prosecutor's lies.

164) Defense describing levels of proof. Good information which sails over the head of jurors selected for their simplemindedness. Defense has worked carefully with the prosecutor to make sure Esar Met would be convicted, but he also covers his actions carefully and well from future scrutiny. Remember that the two jurors, who were viewed as the most diligent note takers by a reporter, were both dismissed part way into the trial. The defense lawyer is speaking accurately and factually, but it is within the broader context of his overall deceptiveness in carefully and deliberately not providing an adequate defense.

165) *** Defense to jury, good information. Again though he himself selected simpler jurors who would ignore information like that.

166) *** Defense, good information, pearls to swine etc.

167) *** Defense, good information etc.

168) Defense, could there be somebody else involved?

169) Final instruction to jury. Judge tells jurors they can only rely on memory. No testimony repeated, no transcripts etc.

170) Father mentions cut finger.

171) Victim's father, timeline. Victim's father was under a lot of pressure for reasons not discussed yet. He is letting his wife 'respect' the system, police etc while he stands a step back.

172) Timeline questions involving an awkward aspect of the case that was never publicized.

173) Unclear trivial incident that occurred shortly before murder.

174) Hser may have been angry that morning. This is significant because when she later was in #472 and roommate #1 came in she was not as respectful to an older person as she normally would be which may have contributed to the initial attack. Paul Vandyke. *Clip will be discussed separately eventually.

175) Evidence tech Daniel Hellwig was favoring the prosecution but got caught in a deception.

176) Prosecutor opens at beginning of trial.

177) Q2 was a mix of DNA from Hser Ner Moo and another person which the prosecutor tried to portray as a mixture of DNA from Hser Ner Moo and possibly Esar Met, but in fact Esar Met was conclusively excluded from being the minor profile.

178) Q10 and Q11 minor profile changed to 'unknown' so that it would not exclude Esar Met when actually he was excluded as contributor.

179) Another mixture but no major or minor, was a mixture of Hser Ner Moo and roommate #1. "No major or minor" means there were roughly equivalent concentrations of DNA from each.

180) Blood on Esar Met's tshirt was mainly from him. Hser Ner Moo was absolutely excluded as being the other contributor. He had been roughly arrested and dragged by police which may explain who the other DNA came from. Hser Ner Moo was initially excluded definitively. This was changed under pressure from the prosecutor who did not want the initial report used. The technician is using circular subterfuge, covering for the prosecutor's interference. The defense thoroughly discredits the technician but because the technician speaks with confidence and authority the jurors ignore the substance of the testimony.

181) Hearing which is absolutely ridiculous theater. Motion to suppress police interview. The interview should have been a strong piece of evidence for the defense, since it shows Esar Met got the crime details wrong until the FBI agent fed him details, but somehow the prosecutor got the defense to ask for suppression. The main goal of the defense lawyer appears to be protecting the FBI and police from criticism. Transcript had been aggressively hidden from judge, and everybody else, until this hearing. In this hearing both defense and prosecutor are trying to shift attention away from the obvious indications Esar Met is not guilty, and towards misconduct by the translator. Defense and prosecutor are on the same side, again, both carefully arranging conviction. At about 11 minutes 48 seconds into the clip the prosecutor mentions having a U.S. attorney and an FBI agent which indicates he has probably discussed the problematic interview with FBI lawyers who obviously do not want it public.

182) Prosecutor, cop lying about Aurora interview.

183) New clip, the initial jury pool was clearly not a random selection. A separate page will be made on this issue. The first juror that the defense agreed to was the wife of the new principal at Hser Ner Moo's grade school. The initial jury pool included a member of the SWAT team who arrested Esar Met, a very high number of people who had worked as corrections officers, a person who was involved in the case, etc. The final jury selected from the firts 45 people in the jury pool will be discussed on another page, and more audio will be added.

184) Prosecutor, father of girl.

185) Perly Wa, 'kalar' ethnic discussion, went to 472

186) *** Medical examiner, dried blood on face, only open injury was on head


~~~~New Clips~~~~

This space at the top will add new audio and video clips which do not appear on other pages of the website yet.

187) The fire captain and his paramedic were probably among the first ten people to go downstairs where the body was, after the FBI agents and a few SSLPD officers and maybe a few others. When the fire captain was going down the stairs the person who was taking him to the body told him to walk in his footsteps so as not to disturb blood evidence in the crime scene area. In other words as of that moment nobody had seen blood on the stairwell. The blood on the stairwell did not appear until several hours later, after one of Esar Met's stories involved the girl dying by falling down a flight of stairs.

The evidence technicians were prevented from entering the scene for quite some time, and it's possible FBI agents have a protocol to follow when evidence is shaky i.e., delaying evidence technicians access to the crime scene until it can be examined or fixed.

When it was still possible that the false confession might be played for the jury there was an effort to emphasize inaccurately that blood was found on the stairs long before it actually was, in order to give some support to an otherwise ridiculous confession. Part of this effort included blatant perjury by one SSLPD officer. As great a guy as he may have been, he was deliberately lying, probably at the request of the FBI.

1) The prosecutor and FBI agents, and most importantly Esar Met's own defense, had seen the confession and knew why blood on the stairs would be important. But that blood literally did not exist until it was needed to cover up FBI mistakes.

2) It's made clear in testimony at the preliminary hearing that the FBI agents spent a lot of time going over their stories after making various mistakes. They knew that the testimony was not truthful. The person on the other end of the phone during the conversation referenced in clip 981 has already had some clips added, but more will be added soon.

3) The police report may have been tidied up in spots, but they forgot to change Wersland's initial supplemental narrative in which he describes the phone call in great detail, as well as the narrative of the officer he spoke to right after the call.

188) Up until 2012 the public had been led to believe Esar Met fled the apartment after killing Hser Ner Moo. In this clip an FBI agent says that while they were searching the apartment one of the roommates said Esar Met was at his cousins' i.e., his aunt and uncle's house. The roommate said he had not seen Esar Met since the 31st, but if the roommate knew Esar Met was at his cousins then he must have learned that from Esar Met before he, the roommate, went to work on the 31st. Remember in Esar Met's last comments he says he left the apartment in the morning. The roommate's testimony and the FBI agent's testimony support Esar Met having left before Hser Ner Moo even went missing.

189) Again, the problem is that the roommate's appear to have known Esar Met was at his cousin's. The roommates left for work in the early morning of the 31st and would not have known he was at his cousin's, unless he had left early morning. The girl was reliably seen between 1pm and 215pm or so, long after he left.

Also strange that Esar Met was telephoned while at the dinner table, and was still at the dinner table when the door was kicked in. More indication the FBI knew about him and was watching the house in Cottonwood Heights. Notice the testimony by Deke Taylor and by the roommate who got the number. More clips will be added on that, but there is already plenty of evidence the FBI had been keeping information about #472 from local police so the FBI could play hero. This would not be a big deal, except additional evidence indicates the girl was still alive up to 24 hours after the FBI started withholding information from local police.

Not only did the FBI not get additional information by being coy with local police, they formed a faulty hypothesis about what had happened, and then refused to update their theory after they got evidence that the roommate had killed the girl. Also note the final exchange between FBI agent and prosecutor. One big discrepancy popped up at the preliminary hearing involving contradictory testimony by FBI agents. The prosecutor is helping the FBI clean up the final story, after a lot of missteps at the preliminary hearing forced the FBI to use a lawyer to change facts.

190) At the preliminary hearing Esar Met had been assigned a backup translator who was from a competing ethnicity. All of the translators used were from competing ethnicities, but the prosecutor believed this translator would be helpful to the prosecution, and might be opposed by the defense. That came as a surprise to the defense.

'Confession' Audio

Confession audio Part 1 

Confession audio Part 2 

Confession audio Part 3 

Confession audio Part 4 

Confession audio Part 5 

'Confession' Video

Confession video Part 1 

Confession video Part 2 

Confession video Part 3 

Confession video Part 4 

Confession video Part 5 






"It does not require many words to speak the truth."

~ Chief Joseph, Nez Perce