Benvenuto Cellini was an Italian artist whose autobiography is popular.

Boris Johnson is the British Prime Minister.

Donald Trump is the U.S. President.


All of these three are terroristic to some people, messianic to others. 

The more important thing though is whether they are anti melting potters, as most people would describe them.

They actually are each melting pot consolidators, they serve the melting pot by consolidating its 'gains' versus its component cultures.


Italy is very much a stabilized melting pot, compared to most countries. It will start to fragment eventually but that is not part of its immediate future.

Britain also is largely stable, though still a bit acquisitive in some areas. Britain historically was an important frontier society, along with Scandinavia etc it was the western border of humanity for a long time. 

The U.S. is much less stable than most countries. It's 'melting pot' status is still largely based on force against groups whose ability to use equal or greater force is growing rapidly while melting pot power available to the 'central' government is declining rapidly. 







"The unnatural, that too is natural."

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe