1) The 2001 Anthrax Attacks 

This is an interesting historical event that casts some more light on 9/11. 

On September 11, 2001 several planes crashed into buildings in the 9/11 attacks. Starting a week later, letters containing highly refined anthrax were mailed to a number of people.


The FBI eventually 'solved' the case, telling the media that a scientist named Steven Hatfill was responsible.


Then they said they were mistaken, actually Bruce Edwards Ivins was responsible. They said he committed suicide because they were closing in.


But there are so many problems with the FBI investigation it's hard to know where to start. Here is a website made by an FBI profiler who seems to believe Ivins was not responsible, but seems bent on implicating a Middle Easterner. 


Here are some more claims that Ivins was the wrong person.


In fact, early on high level leakers were trying to attribute the attacks to Saddam Hussein's Iraq. 

"In October 2001, Ross twice linked Iraq to the anthrax attacks in the United States. These reports, based on anonymous "high level" sources, were denied by the administration. In November 2001, Ross updated the story, acknowledging that original reports of bentonite in the anthrax samples were incorrect. Glenn Greenwald criticized Ross for the story, stating that Ross unwittingly helped build support for the invasion of Iraq as a result of this high-profile report. Dan Froomkin asked on August 5, 2008, in The Washington Post: "So who told ABC the powder looked Iraqi?" The New York Sun reported that Ross was the sixth journalist ordered by a federal judge to reveal his sources for federal anthrax attack stories."


The problem though was that the 'source' did have secret knowledge of the anthrax attacks, but he/she and their cohorts lacked adequate knowledge of anthrax forensics. 

In other words it was the same mistake made by Rumsfeld and company with Niger yellowcake.


The anthrax had been rapidly concentrated, too rapidly for a simple copycat. Somebody was trying to support a 9/11 agenda that involved Iraq. They had access to scientific advice and the anthrax spores but were too compartmentalized to have input regarding the forensics of the DNA of anthrax, which made it highly traceable.

Once they realized their mistake they had to find a fall guy, and Steven Hatfill was adequate. The FBI had more than enough information to know he was not involved, but they set him up anyway.

Unfortunately for the FBI, forensics again intervened and they needed a new suspect. Twice bitten by now though, they needed a dead suspect. It's possible Ivins committed suicide then the FBI pounced, or there are other possibilities.


2) Hastert's Influence Circle


~In Progress~


In 2000, Hastert announced he would support an Armenian Genocide resolution. Analysts noted that at the time there was a tight congressional race in California, in which the large Armenian community might be important in favor of the Republican incumbent. The resolution, vehemently opposed by Turkey, had passed the Human Rights Subcommittee of the House and the International Relations Committee but Hastert, although first supporting it, withdrew the resolution on the eve of the full House vote. He explained this by saying that he had received a letter from Clinton asking him to withdraw it, because it would harm U.S. interests. Even though there is no evidence that a payment was made, an official at the Turkish Consulate is said to have claimed in one recording, that was translated by Sibel Edmonds, that the price for Hastert to withdraw the Armenian Genocide resolution would have been at least $500,000.




 On May 24, 2006, Ross reported that the Justice Department was investigating Speaker of the House Dennis Hastert for possible connections to the Jack Abramoff corruption scandal. Both the Justice Department and Dennis Hastert issued denials, but Ross insisted the story was correct. He did say that the investigation might eventually "wash out and be nothing"














"The unnatural, that too is natural."

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe